Home Biology Experiments

Home biology experiments are a great way to make the process of learning more interactive and fun!

Biology is the branch of science that deals with the study of living organisms and their structure, function, growth, origin, evolution as well their interactions with environment. If you are home schooling your children or want them to conduct some interesting experiments at home, then here are some interesting home biology experiments that you can try at home:

Home Biology Experiments

Home biology experiments can be a fun way to spend time with your child and make the process of education more interesting and interactive. If your child finds biology boring, then home biology experiments are an excellent way to make biology interesting for your kids! Here is an easy to conduct home biology experiments, which will ensure that your kids will not only be well versed in theoretical knowledge but would also have hands on experience at the practical knowledge.

Hydroponics Plant Growth

Well, instead of just introducing your children to the miracle of a plant growing from a seed, how abut introducing your child to the world of hydroponics as well. Hydroponics makes use of inert nutrient media for growth of plants. For conducting this experiment at home you need to get plant nutrients in their ionic form. There are two types of nutrients that you will require – the micronutrients and the macronutrients. The macronutrients that you need are calcium, magnesium, potassium, nitrogen, sulfur and potassium. Commonly used chemicals for obtaining these nutrients are potassium nitrate, potassium phosphate, magnesium sulfate and calcium nitrate. The micronutrients that you require are elements like Iron, Manganese, Copper, Zinc Chlorine, Nickel and Boron, which are usually available in water-based solvents. Under adult supervision, ask the children to create the nutrient medium by mixing the inert material and the nutrients. Ask the children to place the seeds/seedling in the medium. Now ask the children to maintain a record of the growth of the plant in the nutrient medium and also inform them about various nutrients that are in the medium. Explain the role of each nutrient as well. This is an excellent way to combine theory and practical knowledge in biology.

Have a look at some more science experiment ideas.

By Uttara Manohar

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