How to Get High Tech Facial Recognition on a Low Tech Budget

This article discusses some of the cheaper options for using facial recognition with a computer and camera that you already own.

How to Get High Tech Facial Recognition on a Low Tech Budget
The future of computer security is probably in biometrics, or using parts of your body that uniquely identify you as a password to log in to your computer, encrypt files, or to allow certain programs to be opened. Most people think that this type of technology is in the distant future, but much of it has already arrived, and it can be much less expensive than you might think.

Imagine sitting down in front of your computer. The computer takes a look at your face, and it knows who you are. Since nobody else should have your exact face, it logs you in automatically, and your custom settings are applied. Does that sound expensive? To many it does. However, as long as you already have a webcam, you can already set this up on your own for as little as $20, or even free!

There is a software product available that does this face recognition trick. It is called Key Lemon. It is fairly easy to find, and the full program is $20. There is a free trial available if you want to try it before you buy it. Alternatively, you can find an older version of Key Lemon, made by the same people, for free. The old version is called Banana Screen, works decently well, and is available as freeware. The downside is that the free Banana Screen version does not work in any 64 bit operating system, so it may not be an option for all.

There is another free facial recognition software produced by Lenovo that is called Lenovo VeriFace. It does the same thing, and it is completely free, but since it is designed specifically for Lenovo laptops, it may or may not work properly on your particular computer. Many have reported a high success rate, but it’s always good to keep in mind that it might not work right.

Of course, before you install either of these software options, you should backup your computer. Since these programs are designed to change the login process, an error in installation could result in permanently locking you out of your computer, leaving you no option but to reinstall your system from scratch. You don’t want to lose all of your data in an attempt to make it more secure!

If you are particularly computer savvy, you may even be able to use a software option like one of these as a method of unlocking your doors as well. Some home security systems will allow you to connect a computer module into it as an optional control device. You could have a program set to unlock your doors or disarm your security system instead of logging you in when it recognizes your face.

If you are not computer savvy, but you would still like to have some options for your home security setup, try Total Home Security to find out what kind of options you might have for a home security system.
By Steve McDowell

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